Frequently Asked Questions

Franklin County, TX Real Estate Transaction Coordination Management Company

How Valuable Is Your Time?

Market research shows that an average Franklin County, TX real estate agent will spend nearly 20 hours performing their own transaction management work. We challenge you to ask yourself a simple question; "How much prospecting can you do in 20 hours?" Our Franklin County, TX transaction coordinators absolutely care about your success and we are committed to closing deals. After all, we do not get paid if the deal does not close!

One thing we hear a lot of is "No one can take care of my files better then I can." We are not here to be your competition, instead we hope to be a postive extension of your business and a member of your team. Our Franklin County, TX Transaction Coordinators have done hundreds, if not thousands of transactions.

Questions and Answers
Q and A about Franklin County,  TX Transaction Management Company

Questions and Answers

What is a transaction coordinator?

A Transaction Coordinator (TC) manages all details involved in closing a Franklin County , Texas real estate transaction and monitors the entire process through agents, clients, escrow companies and property management companies.

Will you have contact with my clients?

This is completely up to you. However, it is most efficient if we may communicate directly with your client. We keep you informed of all communications and CC you on emails with important correspondence.

Do you have a cancellation fee?

We only get paid in the event the Franklin County transaction closes. If the client simply changes their mind and decides not to sell or your buyer walks, then their is no fee.

Are my files secure and confidential?

We do not share your information with anyone and they are very secure. We have strict guidelines and unless you grant us permission to share any information, it will be kept confidential even from the broker.

GET STARTED working with our TC's!

Are you ready to experience the freedom to prospect and work with more clients?

Can you help with a transaction I have already started?

Yes, we can take over paperwork on a transaction that has already been started.

What if my office is far away from you?

As a virtual Franklin County, TX company, we work almost entirely paperless with agents and brokers. You do not need to be located near our office in order for us to work with you. You would be suprised at how effective we are and how available we make ourselves to everyone involved in the transaction. We can also do video conferences via skype and/or google hangouts.

How can I contact my TC?

You will receive all contact information for your Transaction Coordinator. We provide you cell, office, email, text, skype, google+, and of course you can always contact the owner of the company, too.

What if I lose the file?

Once a file is complete, it is scanned and archived securely. It may be reproduced on CD, emailed to you or printed and sent to you at your request. We never delete any files unless specifically requested to do so.

How will I know what is happening with my transaction?

You will have 24/7 access to your file through our online transaction management system. All documents are uploaded and updated as they are received, and you will have regular contact with your Transaction Coordinator.

faqs about Franklin County,  TX real estate transaction company

Excellent Customer Service

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. We take great pride in our work and always want your feedback. If you ever feel that you did not get the highest level of service, please let us know.

Franklin County Texas real estate transaction coodinators faqs

Great Communication

We realize the importance of communication in our business and do everything we can to ensure everyone is in constant contact. We incorporate multiple channels of communication in our day to day operations.

Franklin County tc faqs

We are a Positive TEAM

When you hire us to be your Franklin County, TX real estate transaction coordination company, we will follow your company's guidelines along with the Franklin County, TX specific required disclosures.

We Have Performed Transaction Coordination Services for Hundreds of Companies